One other thing to consider for town users - cars are designed to minimise damage to pedestrians, cyclists who inadvertently decide to become a hood ornament. Bull bar - no chance. If the bull bar is for decoration and not going to be used in the bush - then any advantage given to saving life's in an accident is worthwhile.
If roos are most likely accident - get a bar.
Driving round town - no bar.
Living in far north Queensland and traveling the roads that I do I will not have a 4x4 without a decent bullbar, thats correct a BULLBAR. Most bars sold today are showpony bars, they may stop damage from a small roo but they will not proctect you much from a BULL. But they may still save your 4x4 enough to be able to keep on driving.
I was put in an unfortunate position two years ago when a bloke that I worked with on the mine site happened to walk from behind a bus and waltz straight out on the road in front of me, he had just came of a twelve hour night shift and had been asleep on the bus when his driver woke him up at his stop. Still half asleep he got of the bus and just walked across the road.
I did see him untill he had cleared the by now turning out busses rear end and was in the middle of the left lane in dirrect line with my bull bar.
As he went under my field of vision, I was waiting for a bump from his body been either run over with my wheels or at least a bump from his body hitting the underside of my Nissan. It did not come,
the bull bar saved his life , He may not even been aware of how he reacted at the time but as he got hit and started to fall , he wrapped his arm around the tubing of the bullbar and hung on until I came to a fullstop. Burised and blue for a few days, yes he was, but he was alive. Without the bullbar been upfront he would have went under the Nissan and came out the rear a hell of a lot worse for wear.
Bullbars are a hell of a lot more than looks.
Cheers duggie