What other solutions are there?? If anyone has some, post em up...
Fines dont work, threats don't work...
It depends what you mean by "work". Personally I think fines/threats work just fine but no matter what the solution or the penalty there will always be an element in society that thinks the laws don't apply to them. Even if you ban camping and lock up all the parks there will still be bushfires, including the odd one started by illegal campers.
There are many aspects of our modern world that are dangerous and routinely kill, for example cars kill hundreds every year but we don't ban them even though that might save all of them. Kids die in swimming pools but pools are still allowed. Is a child's life not worth more than the right ot have a pool?
Of course it is but the reality is that to live in a reasonably free society we have to accept a reasonable level of risk, and laws, fines, TFB, etc help to manage that risk. There is also much that rural property owners can and should do to protect themselves, considering it is
their property and lives that are directly threatened.
I personally enjoy a campfire and find it integral to the camping experience. The sad thing is that any decision to further restrict or ban campfires would likely be made in some office or by committee of persons who have never experienced real bush camping and with the stroke of a pen wipe away a simple recreational experience enjoyed for generations.