G'day cruisindub,
I heard some dude on the radio saying that there were a lot of factors why premiums were going up.
A lot of natural disasters of late,
Their operating costs had risen,
And a fall in interest rates was being blame as well.
Which will result in less money in your super, because super funds invest heavily in Insurance companies.
Or so the story goes,
As Shane mentioned, get on the blower and ring other mobs, there doesn't seem to be any loyalty from them, so why show them any.
They seem to give better discounts to new customers than those that have been with them for awhile without claims.
It would seem that at every renewal time, no matter what it is we have insured, we have to change mobs to get a better deal. APITA really.
Just be aware that a couple of the newer mobs, are heaps cheaper, at renewal time they will refuse to renew, when you approach the next insurance company there is a question that will ask, Have you been refused an insurance policy?
You must answer YES to this, you will pay more for your insurance.
Good luck with it all.