Here are the electronic/internet payment details for stubby holders and stickers.
Account name. A & C Mason
BSB/Branch. 06 3711. (Commonwealth)
Account. 1004 8331
063711 1004 8331.
When you transfer funds, put your myswag name in the transaction descriptor field. This should show up on my statement. Please also send a PM to me when you transfer funds so I can mark you as paid.
Funds can also be paid in over the counter at any Commonwealth Bank./
The following $ correspond to your post orders at the rate of $10 per stubby holder and $4 per sticker.
Crisp Image. 14.00. Paid
Swannie. 14.00. Paid
Kiwi mark. 14.00. Paid
GeoffA. 14.00. Paid
JasonB. 21.00 Direct Post Paid
GGPatrol. 28.00 Direct Post Paid
Lost. 28.00 Paid
Bigsteve. 14.00 Paid.
Gonfishen. 10.00 Paid
Kris. 10.00 Paid
Goldie. 14.00
Hutchie62. 24.00
UR50LO. 10.00 Paid
Graham. 84.00
Adrianv 10.00 Paid
Mandrake. 14.00 Paid
Excavator. 24.00 Paid
Speewa. 20.00
Sol. 20.00
Arel. 14.00
Poppasmurf. 20.00. Paid
Flanders. 14.00 Paid
BrettB. 28.00 Paid
Flamingo. 28.00. Paid
Bigjules. 10.00
JK. 35.00 (direct post). Paid
McGirr. 35.00 (direct post). Paid
I think that's it, if I've made any errors or left anyone out, let me know.
Cheers, Al