Obviously this video has done exactally what it was designed to do, as animal libo's always do. People need to look at the big picture, not just selected parts. Sure, in this case it looks bad, really bad but you really need to be there to witness the bigger picture yourself.
And for disease control, pig stys win hands down. If you get an outbreak of disease in a paddock, it is near impossible to control and all stock may need to be killed to stop the spread. And the ground may need all sorts of chemicals poured into kill the disease or left bare for years before stock can be re-introduced. In a sty disease is easily controlled to pens.
And this country would be no where if it wasnt for farmers, people need to get out more and see how the real world works. It wont always be fair, it may be cruel at times but im afraid thats just how it is sometimes. Dont get suckered in to these videos.