Hey Defensor,
I like the Evakool fridges, it's just the odd size that I wasn't too sure about. How do you go with packing around it and so forth?
And the almighty question - what are they like on price? I'm planning to pick up a factory second waeco from this mob : http://www.getawaeco.com.au/ - the F.I.L. picked up a 35L 3-way last year for under $200 simply because it had a scratch on the front of the plastic case. They were retailing here in BCF for $450 at the time, so he was pretty happy with that. I don't expect the same sort of discount myself, but would be happy paying around $750-$800.
I've got to admit though, I would much rather support a local, AUS business, and I've been more than happy with the icebox.
Food for thought!