I've got a list as long as my arm.
I wont bore you all with it
but a lot of has been mention above.
last year what I did notice while traveling, in the 6600k's we did, most drivers had good road manners and I didn't have a problem until I got closer to the coast.
From Geelong to Albury, people road skills went down hill. From Wagg Wagga to Tamworth, again we didn't have any one doing stupid things.
So as we climbed up to The New England and then down to home at Lawrence the idiots seem to appear. Overtaking on blind cnrs, braking for no apparent reason, inconsistent speeds, tailgating, pulling out onto the main road and traveling at 80k's.It just seems to be a sign of the times, we have to drive watching for every other idiots bad driving.
On the other side of things, doesn't make a road trip great when motorist do the right thing and everything flows.