There are some things that you can't prevent as has been said, personally I did not find the cape that challanging, I think it's a place that hands it to the unprepared or the un-educated but good prep and sound decisons will see you through any trip without giving your car a bigger wash than you intened.
Treat your car like it's your life support, every day ask yourself
"can i drive this how many % chance have I got"
" Will it damage my car, what % is the chance of damage"
Then I factor the 2 together
if I have a 90% chance of driving it with a 90% chance of damage then I bypass it.
If I have a 90% chance of driving it with a 30% chance of damage the odds are getting better.
The odds of damage must always take preceedence over the old "have a go mate you'll be right" Thats fools gold IMHO..
Have a plan , have a back-up plan and never drive into anything without a cleary laid out exit stratagey.
Or just rip tear bust and keep evreyone entertained