Make each vehicle/driver, play Roll the Dice. Passengers could play too.
Nominate say 4 or 5 stops where everyone is going to be and each player throws a pair of dice, at each stop. Ya gunna be on the island for at least 5 days, so one throw each night maybe at dinner, be fore everyone is smashed.
At the end, the person with the highest number when all added up wins.
You need a cheap exercise book, a pen, two dice and a plastic cup, so this takes up zero space.
Cost to play, say $20.00. Pool the cash, half goes to the winner, half goes to fund raising.
How many folks going?
Say 25 folks had a play @ $20.00 a head (Not that head), you've got $500, so even if you made first prize $200,
you've raised $300.
Would you gamble $20.00 to make $200.00 if the odds were one in twenty-five? I would.....