Thats a real shame ...just like all the cars drowned there this year, but everyone is saying it's impassable and it's to deep etc.
But really it's only catching out the people who have no plan , no idea or are to cocky.
that car lost momentum at the 0.15sec mark the strap was connected at the 1.18sec mark .that is far to long to have a strap connected. from time of lost momentum in water to recovery should be a max of .20sec in total.
Every water crossing recovery plan should be based on this .20sec timeframe. I saw people get stuck and start to spool winches out
far to long.
having the recovery team filming
far to long
Going looking for a spare strap in the event of failure
takes to long.
No car should ever spend longer than .20sec in the water awaiting recovery. if you do not have the equipment in position or know how to effect this then do not attempt the crossing.
very sad for all those people including this one, that have lost a car this year,