What you're doing now is how you get your young fella a start.... try everything!!
I have been in the mining industry since i was 26, am 40 now, i got a start after leaving my Mrs and 2 kids at home and heading to a mining town to do some door knocking (this was before the intergoognet thing)... anyway slept in the back of my hilux for a few weeks, carried a notebook and pen and wrote down alot of names and numbers, after a few weeks of being persistant in the right places eventually got a start as a labourer in a process plant, moved the Mrs and kids out to where i was and worked like a mongrel dog, doing whatever the f*ck i was told to do, including plenty of 24hr shifts, and fronting back up for more.......
Anyway, 15 or so years later, i'm still glad i got a foot in the door....... doing it easier now of course.
I'd still say even today, there's nothing wrong with going the extra mile and finding a few names of blokes that are supervisors, superintendants, etc, get their names and numbers and ring them, keep notes of discussions, don't over step the line though and piss them off by being annoying..... you need to show a little bit of extra go, put your name in their head.
anyway best of luck.