The bastards are going to sell off more of our assets.
Governments of both political persuasions are addicted to our $$$$$..... a pox on both their houses.....
What they get from the sale of the electricity generators will be just wasted and they will need to increase taxes to cover the profit they used to get from producing and selling electricity.
I've never understood what it is about political parties that makes them think it's okay to sell off our assets. Did they actually state this when they were vying for office? Mind you, in the case of the Libs they didn't need to say much at all to roll the useless Labor mob. As they say 'you get the Government you deserve'.
But just thinking about it, past generations (our Mothers & Fathers, Grandparents & Great Grandparents) paid for these assets and now here we are with many more people paying taxes and yet we still can't manage to retain, maintain & run things as a service to NSW residents? I don't get that at all!
If the asset is so damn bad & unprofitable, then how is it that it will be purchased by private enterprise? The people will more than likely see little for the sale and feel it in their hip pocket soon enough when the new owners start charging what they can as a profit to their shareholders. The world has gone nuts!