This morning I went for a drive to Atherton from Herberton, there was a Dept of Transport work crew setting up to do some work on the side of the road. This work crew consited of 4 stop and go people and from what I saw 5 workers, 9 people.
They have four work vehicles and they had driven up the Herberton/Atherton range to get to the job site.
When I can home from what I had to do the Dept of Transport workers had erected a new sign, bloody big one too.
This sign was warning the traveling public that they were approaching a winding road with a steep decent and a gradient of 10%.
Bloody beauty, they have erected the sign on the wrong side of the road and the sign is facing away from the top of the range road, wrong bloody way.
Now remember they all drove up the range( 4 cars and 9 people) to erect the sign, they were all working there and no one picked up that they had stuffed up and put the sign up facing the wrong way on the wrong side of the road.
Is this a sign of how the new Queensland government is going to fix Queensland ?