Sam don't be swayed be these freeloading swines . You have to work for what you get . I'm prepaired to put in to help you in our joint venture
Heres the deal ARB fully kit out my NS Paj in return I will park it outside pubs around Aus to promote the range . As 4WDers have been known to take a
or 2 as they wonder past the Display /Working Rig they will mentaly make a list of stuff they want . All I need is the FULL NS Range of kit Ho & the expences card to cover 1 or 2 things that may crop up as I go .
I could make the rig avalible now to be kitted up so you can really WOW the bosses when you start ,arrr when is that anyway
details anyway .
in antisapation in a pub car park near you
Mate could you pop down & drive me home as
are looking at the rig at present . TOO good to drive home , Myself
( See its working already )