I sent a reply back to stir the pot a little more and received this reply, my reply email is at the bottom.
"Thank you for your email and I appreciate your honest feedback.
In hindsight, given what we have learnt from this offer we may have done things differently, these learnings will be incorporated into future offers.
Please be assured that there will be upcoming offers in our Ray’s VIP email newsletter giving exclusive offers to members of this database.
Have a great day ?
Sent: Monday, 12 December 2011 2:52 PM
To: Club VIP
Subject: RE: Rays Outdoors - Contact Us - General Enquiry
Thanks for the reply and I understand what you were trying to do and there's no doubt those who received the letter are happy, but there's hundreds of customers who didn't receive it yet know about it and aren't happy. Not exactly a great marketing move when everything that happens is discussed freely on forums. This topic went like wildfire and a lot of people aren’t too pleased with the way it was done. Hope you have something in the pipeline to counter the bad publicity it has done.