Howdy. Kris from Moyhu, NE Vic here. Like they all say, I've been lurking around for sometime now! A wealth of camper knowledge here, that's for sure, and I've already referred you guys to a couple of friends.
We are a family of 5- 3 boys 6 4 & 2 in tow. We have recently finished a canopy to the hilux, which includes kitchen, water pump, numerous slide out drawers, and all decked out with LED lights, and performed well on our July trip to the Cape.
Over 5 1/2 weeks, we erected the tent 27 times, stuffed 119 sleeping bags, rolled 108 mattresses..... we came home thinking "maybe a camper trailer isn't such a bad idea now rather than later". And so began the evening perusing of the trading post and ebay.
We came to the conclusion we'd make our own hard floor, especially after perusing here and reading vbc1_75's build. And then we came across a cheap Cub Supamatic on road- so we thought we'd use it for the box and canvas and give it new chassis and suspension. Upon inspection it looked do-able until we closed it and realised the box wasn't very straight. So home we went, back to the drawing board. Literally drawing board, as the whole camper was then designed after a visit to Melbourne's Leisurefest perusing all the different designs.
And then came the ad in the trading post, for a 99 Kimberley Kamper in excellent condition with annex and walls- all for about the same price as we would have spent making our own. Only compromise was it's a little shorter and narrower than what we were going to build. But the temptation was too great, and we decided to save a couple of years in the build time and snaffle up this little bargain. Hasn't got an over the top kitchen, but all that's in the car anyway.
All we need now is to make a boat loader, and some time to get away!
Cheers, Kris