Guys, I work in the Underground Mining Industry and have over 30 years in combined time in open cut and underground mines. In my time, (I am the wearer of a few scars and injuries) I have seen safety increase and the results of safety change make mining a much safer working place. But there are those who will use SAFTEY as an excuse not to do any work. JSA, s and risk assessments are a necessary evil in all industries but when people spend hours either doing a JSA or risk assessment and play on the fact that they won’t get themself into trouble by do so, it becomes a bit of a joke.
I have read this section with an open mind and I can see arguments on both sides, but there are those, myself included, when it comes to wearing protective clothing while using a chainsaw, do rely on experience and a prayer. Accidents will happen and no form of protection can prevent this, only reduce the impact.
personal protective equipment (PPE)
Safety equipment issued to help employees in protecting themselves from the hazards of their work environments. PPE includes fire retardant or chemical-proof clothing, gloves, hard hats, respirators, safety spectacles, etc. Food hygiene equipment (aprons, caps, plastic gloves, etc.) are not included in this category.
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QLD Site Safety Plan
The use of personal protective equipment is to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective to reduce these risks to acceptable levels.
cheers duggie