Having recently swapped from the 4.0 straight-6 Petrol Jeep to the 3.2 Di-D (4cyl) Pajero a few observations while towing ....
The Pajero absolutely flogs the Jeep as a tow vehicle in every single respect. Better fuel economy, better acceleration, better overtaking ability.
My favourite test is the on-ramp from Gaza Rd onto the SE Freeway, southbound. Its uphill and you can do a run from 0-100 km/h up it with 1400kg camper in tow.
Streetview: http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=gaza+rd,+holland+park&hl=en&ll=-27.535693,153.061352&spn=0.011778,0.024784&hnear=Gaza+Rd,+Brisbane+Queensland+4121&t=h&z=16&vpsrc=0&layer=c&cbll=-27.534604,153.059201&panoid=3uZuXqslf6StMQ6KoQhcNQ&cbp=12,192.54,,0,0
In the Jeep, I could nail it and it would be a noisy, harsh ride up to 100km/h by the top of the ramp.
In the Pajero ... I nailed it and had to back off at around 120 and still had plenty of road.
It's like chalk and cheese.
Overtaking while towing with the Jeep required a fair bit of forethought as the pickup from around 80-90 km/h was not inspiring. With the Pajero I don't even need to do anything special, just pull out and pass. The Jeep is also about 700kgs lighter than the Pajero, so the Pajero is fighting extra weight as well.
Modern TDs have come a long way.
Don't confuse the issue of too small a tow vehicle with the engine choice. I wouldn't tow a 1400kg camper behind some of the smaller 4WDs, they get bullied around. The Jeep was pretty light and it would occasionally get pushed around by the camper. The Pajero is big enough and heavy enough to not be bothered by it.