We arrived home Saturday afternoon after a couple of long days driving.
Our trip started in Gloucester NSW and then took in Dubbo Zoo, Lake Mungo, Burra Gorge in S.A., Wilmington, Willow Springs (Skytek) in the Flinders Ranges then headed home via Broken Hill and Warren.
To sum up 15 nights, 4558km.
Also saw a lot of towns and country side along the way.
Had a great stay at Wilmington with all the Swaggers and a great Sunday drive to see the country side with Brian leading the way.
Tried my hand in the cooking competition with my bread that was all eaten by the spectators. Only to be beaten by a cheese and bacon loaf and Jamie's damper. Bread recipe can be found here
Thanks Cactus for the recipe, it always works, had the crowds support but the judges couldn't be swayed.
Big thanks to Brian, John and families for all the time and effort put in to organise the weekend.
A few photos from our trip, The boys loved the downhill ride on Skytrek, didn't loose any skin but it was close.
Bruce and Jen