The Allen Carr book explains that any nicotine replacement, gum, lozengers etc don't help.
There are two things you're trying to do:
1. Stop the habit of lighting the cigarette and putting it to your mouth; that's the EASY bit, it is just a habit and can be un-learnt.
2. Switching off your brains reliance on the high it gets from nicotine, this is the HARD bit.
The gums etc all have nicotine in them, your brain is still getting its hit, all they are doing is stopping the lighting up habit.
You can do the same using any gum or sweets, yes you'll put on weight, Mr Carr recon's approx 3-4 kilos but you'll stop giving your brain its nicotine hit.
It took me about 4 days to get past the irritable stage, after that it was pretty easy, liquorice allsorts were my drug
of choice, I put on 5kgs which I've pretty much lost again after a year.
However you give up, you'll not regret it, we had a visitor to our house the other day and for the first time ever I smelled the stale smoke on her, not pleasant, but hey my sense of smell is returning
Keep at it girls and boys.