Just thought I would chuck in a general warning about the Gates brand of V-belts.
Having bought 3 fan belts for replacement belts on my old GQ wagon I found that when I went to fit them 2 of the 3 were the wrong length.
Yes they were branded with the correct length the packageing was branded with the right length belt but they were longer than the branded length.
Could have been a real problem if I had not decided to change my fan belts before going to the tip and when or if needed I found out that they were too long to adjust up and work properly.
So if any of you out there are carrying the GATES brand fan belts as spares for your 4 x 4, get them checked for length against the branded length, GATES are aware that they do have a problem but have failed in there DUTY OF CARE to advise the retailers and the general public of this problem.