G'day All,
I have been into 4X4 and camping for a few years, but have only ever used a tent. Now getting a little older, and my son in growing up (now 7 years old), would like a little more room and comfort, hence thinking of moving up to a CT. From what I have seen of CT's (while camping in my tent), would like something that is quick and easy to set up. Have watched people spend an hour or more mucking around setting up their CT's, and that's not for me (especially in bad weather). From what I have read so far, a hard floor would be the way to go, but I don't have the 30K + for a good quality model, and from reading the reviews and posts on the cheaper models I don't think I'll buy one of them.
So I am tending towards a soft floor (or a second hand hard floor), and would like to know if anyone could recommend one which is quick and easy to setup, with the following requirements in mind:
Budget less than 15K
Room for 2 adults and 1 child
Can go offroad, mainly weekend camping nothing too extreme, although planing on going to Cape York in the next few years
Has kitchen with gas cooking and sink
Carry at least 50L of water
Small Fridge
Capable of using both 12v and 240v power
Takes less than 20mins to setup from scratch