My understandings on travelling costs differ to those below
verage fuel consumption based on; 18 Lt per 100 Klm @ $1.70 Lt
5O,OOO Klm = $15,3OO = $294 per week for one year, which is a hell of a long trip for just 12 months, 96O Klm per week.
( I think it's about 12,500 Klm round Aussie - I've added sight seeing and extra trips to everywhere else too )
The price of food will be a bit higher, say 30% more than you pay now.
Accommodation will be the $$ killer with caravan parks charging about $3O a night = $1O,8OO or $2O7 week
So far is about $5OO week, then you have to factor into the equation that you definitely will not be able to stay in caravan parks every evening, particularly in WA & NT, because they, like the towns are so far apart, and the free camping areas are everywhere anyway
I've travelled for many years in the Far North and I can assure you I never spent more than $400 a week because I stopped on deserted beaches to break the monotony of driving :'(