My Names Ash and I thought since i have become a member of this forum I should introduce myself.
I don't have a Camper Trailer as yet but I'm looking to buy a new one in the next year to year and a half. I like to think that I'm one to do my research thoroughly and I have asked around my circle of friends were i can gain valuable information regarding everything "Camper Trailer" and they pointed me to this forum.
Unfortunately, due to my inexperience in the fields/products discussed, I'm not going to be able to actively contribute that much as:
1. the search function seems to answer most, if not all of my questions AND
2. I don't have that many answers on the topics discussed.
However, I must say that the wealth of info (particularly the "how to" topics and "pictures") on this forum and particularly the willingness to share information with fellow members (particularly from those that sell CT's) is quite simply amazing and extremely refreshing.
I look forward to reading what people are up to, the mods they make and the suggestions given to make all our camping trips more enjoyable.