being a nurse, i constructed my own first aid kit
I do have a crepe bandage in it but of greater importance are decent elasticized bandages for sprained ankles etc
all the different articles are in ziplock bags to prevent contamination with dust ie .. all the tapes and bandaids are in one bag, bandages in a bag, dressings in another, triangle bandage in a bag, scissors, clippers, needles and safetypins in one bag and everything first into a zip up cooler bag which sort of protects lotions and solutions from being heat effected
I recently did a course and included in the program was a first aid section which was really useful as the theories have changed a bit on how medical people manage different situations
We were all given a booklet called First Aid Quick Guide published by Active Publications
While i found the booklet to very basic, it was very clear and easy to understand which is exactly what u want if an inexperienced person is trying to assist you
the book is also in our First Aid Kit,
hoping none of us every have to use them