We were having a discussion yesterday about been pulled over by an unmarked police vehicle , and one of the people present stated that he would not pull over .
He came up with a reasonable argument to back up his case .
Some people today are coming up with different ways to rob , bash/assault , rape and in some cases murder people .
As this is an unmarked police car , no visible police markings , that is wanting you to pull oner and stop , how could you know that it is in fact a honest member of the police force and not someone wanting to commit an offence by posing as a police officer .
You may be thinking , red/blue flashing lights , but you or I can buy red/blue flashing strobe lights for as little as $19 and fit then into/behind your grill or windscreen .
https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/8LED-Red-Blue-Car-Police-Strobe-Flash-Light-Dash-Emergency-3-Flashing-Lamp-DC12V/232429401410?epid=23006160272&hash=item361ddf3542:g:zH4AAOSwBnZbBn~wBy doing this does it make either you or I a police officer ?
No it does not , but I bet that if either you or I did fit these ebay purchased blue/red flashing lights , and activated these said lights whilst either behind or coming towards another vehicle , that vehicle would more than likely pull over and come to a stop .
Ultimately , by not pulling over/stopping for an unmarked police car , you will get pulled over/stopped by 1 or more marked police cars down the road .
As the person was saying yesterday , at that point he would have no problem pulling over and stopping . His argument when asked , would be that he feared for his , and/or those with him , safety , as he believed that the vehicle displaying the flashing lights may have wanted to harm/rob/kill him and/or those with him .
I don't know if this argument would pass the test , but it has/did get me thinking .
What would you do ?