Lumo ?? Ha ha, sounds like a kids toy company !!
Never heard of them over here in the eastern states. It's a shame you have to continually chase a cheaper deal because they all try to screw you at every turn.
I agree with the comment that we should only pay for whatever each company bids for each day, not the adjusted high price. One company that bids at $5 knows that even if they could afford to offer it at $5, it will always default to a much higher price, which is exactly what they like.....more profit.
Whether you like coal or not, it was our major source of baseload ( still is ) , and at times of need, like a hot summers night, the wick could be turned up easily and cheaply, but especially in SA's case, that now means having to buy expensive baseload power because the companies supplying it have them by the short and curlys.