I've got $40K worth of re-roofing going onto 2 dwellings on either the 21st Nov, or the 28th NOV... whatever the contractor decides / reckons grrr...
(Original roofs; circa 1920's - 1930's)...
So I'm just holding my breath that one or both of them don't get the bejeebers thumped out of them in the interim...
Blame swmbo for the stress of this actually.... Got the quotes finalised in JUL - but she says:
"Don't spend the money - hold off till we get sorted with the new bank", (long story; and fair enough, actually...).
The bank has now been finally sorted; and I've signed the re-roofing contracts - and later the same day I am on the footpath walking past one of the tenancies; (a commercial shop).
I look in and happen to notice the tenant's wife staring out the door; and just glaring at me...
So next minute I'm past the shop about 50mtrs; and I suddenly hear her call me back...
"Has (husband) spoken to you about the roof?"
"No - ... what about the roof?" ...(as if I didn't know...)
"Well we're coming into storm season again; and there was a couple of times last year (during insane downpours) - when water was 'flooding' in" .... (Let's not exaggerate, me thinks)...
So as I say - I only need the things to hold together for the next few weeks; and I'm home and hosed..........