G'day Hairs
What brand is your 3 x 3 m awning & from where did you get it?
Hi Ian,
It took me awhile to find a 3x3 awning, found one on eBay.
It doesn't have a name brand on it.
Seems put together well, used my own ropes and pegs tho. Used last Sunday, a very hot cloudless day, it was warm under, but I reckon it would of be warm under anything, even a silver ply tarp.
Thinking about getting another one for the drivers side. They are the same width as a 3x3 gazebo, this will make for a light easy two day camp instead of taking the camper.
We paid $186.00 delivered about 6 weeks ago.
Here is a link, looks like they have gone up in price to $220.00
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/171684915531?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AITSafe travels.