Well, I got a little more than I bargained for when I took my two daughters to Sydney last night for a Ghost tour.
The trip down was rather uneventful, not the kind of precursor one wold expect when navigating Sydney.
Even the trip into the Rocks was reasonably easy, if somewhat complicated.
But once there................
I have no idea why people would choose to live there.
Noisy, too many people and way too many tourists.
No parking at all and parking officers wandering the streets after 10.00pm.
All in all, no real issues, just traffic, traffic, traffic and more traffic.
But the fun starts after 10.00pm.
All the young sheilas come out in packs and wearing next to nothing.
Stumbling all over the place and falling down, drunk as skunks.
I observed virtually no blokes drunk and the Japanese tourists were everywhere.
Hundreds and thousands of them.
All very polite and taking selfies all over the place, but
They have no idea what a pedestrian crossing is or that its not a good idea to stay on the footpath.
Heading home was about the only drama filled time with guys in hot sports cars racing around and idiots in 4X4s taking up all the lanes, but back into the sanity of the Central Coast I drove with nary a problem to be encountered.
Sydney.......the best view is in the rear view mirror while high tailing out of the place.