Never could get the hang of an xbox/ps controller, so all my gaming is with a mouse and keyboard. Been gaming since clowns and baloons on the TRS-80.
Loved the Battlefield series, used to play competitively in BF2 in the Gamearena ladder but then lost interest with BF2142, hardly played BF3 and just don't have the time to get into BF4 or the new BF1
Big fan of the Farcry series, although Farcry Primal didn't really appeal to me.
Still play Starcraft 2 on a regular basis, the original Starcraft was my main procrastination source
Command and Conquer Generals - 1/10 of my life was spent playing that!
Can't seem to get into Fallout 4, I get bored with it rather quickly.
Must be getting old, most of the new stuff just doesn't appeal.