When I was looking at paying for my AT-11 (near new $43.5K)... I was quoted (I recall) 9% over 60 months....
That sort of sounds ok; right?
But when I got the monthly $$ payment required; multiplied this by 60 months; added my original purchase cost; ($39,500 + GST... as I think the finance companies claim the GST -- ie: they are only renting you $39.5K); then added on approx $1K in "establishment application fees", etc -
the AT-11 had suddenly cost a lot; lot; lot more....
I seriously suggest you (a) do this exercise yourselves prior to signing up to HP; and then (b) get the financier to do the same... "Yeah - so much for your 9% matey"
BaseCamp if you are getting a HP on a caravan or camper I would say your situation is different to most as most people usually just go a standard consumer loan where the GST is not claimed by the bank (because they never own the asset) or the individual which means it forms part of the loan.
There will always be fees etc to take into consideration but this is where getting the much lower rates helps out alot. As Gunny mentioned he's got 6% and thats before rates went down to where they are now.If there is nothing to hide (which at 360 Finance we don't) we'll even do the comparison for you between what we can come up with and what your bank can come up with and rarely do we come up as the more expensive option.
Couple of suggestions for those looking around
1. Make sure you so your homework before putting a hit on your credit file. Sometimes your own bank isn't the best....sometimes they are
2. Make sure you get a loan tailored for what you are buying. Rarely is getting a personal loan on a camper/caravan the best way to go
3. Get options on different loan terms/structures. Sometimes you can save a fair bit of interest by structuring the loan in a way best suited to your situation
At the end of the day the end result is the same....your new camper/caravan (car/bike/boat.....) is in your driveway, it all just comes down to how much you pay.
Tbags if you are still looking drop me an email and I will get one of the guys to look after you.