lf you sit around & dream about doing trips & plan about doing trips you start to collect Stuff . The many Mags & TV shows & internet links show us Stuff that can make life easier on the road . So you buy this Stuff & it gets carted around , sometimes it gets a run somewhere to its intended use . Then you read about somebody that dose a trip with 4/5 of 5/8 of SFA & wonder how they did it . Well they did , because they wanted to .
There was a mob of Blokes that went from Melb to Up North somewhere & it turned to S@#T on them , let me think Oh yes Bourke & Wills . Lots of kit to take with them & still it went bad on them . BUT they had a go & Good on them .
Weather its in the 30s or tomorrow it a case of " Beat the Feet " , do it , have a go