Hi all,
The mini quad is flying again! I cant say what was wrong with it, but I rebinded the RX (which I did down at the campsite) seemed to work. Not happy as the site would have been awesome to whip around with a 250 sized quad. I also took the opportunity to swap out the full sized telemetry radio for a HK Micro Telemetry radio which worked great. Just zipping around the local oval the micro telemetry is not as good due to the small integrated antenna (was dropping down to 80% RSSI just 100m away), I would only use it for a close in machine.
I've got the Bix 3 ready for a test flight either this afternoon (is the high level wind dies down) or tomorrow morning (when it will be calmer). I decided that I didnt want the same problem as last time, so I've switched it to 433MHz for control, still using 915MHz for telemetry and I'm still using 5.8GHz for the video (but I'll be working on some better antenna's).
I also plan to try the small home built flying wing, I've downgraded the prop (7x5), so hoping this will be better if not I'll switch to a smaller motor and smaller prop (5x3).
Big quad will get 1 more chance to balance out and be auto tuned, if not then I'll be redoing the design. I'm thinking of similar design with the plates but moving it to a H quad (one of tube for both front arms and another tube for the read arms, instead of the 4 I'm using). Bonus would be that it will be smaller and easier to transport, downside is that I think the largest props I can use then will be the 14inch props.
I'm also experimenting with the storm32 gimbal controller, it's better than I first thought. The tools arent as feature rich as the Alexmos ones but they sure are cheaper ($35 vs $130). I will give it a chance on the big quad once I've gotten it ironed out.
I should get some video posted of this weekends flying.
Happy flying! So weird this is the first Oct Long weekend where I havent gone camping in years.