Hmmm, the PANEL door has been a little hard to lift up, not that bad so I thought I would spend half an hour or so and tighten up the spring..
well 4 days of work later I am still working on the panel door.
Spring went flip flop and spun out.. Didnt hurt me which was good.
anyway to cut down 4 days of work into a paragraph..
If you have to adjust the door yourself and you dont know what u are doing then get a door technician..
But if you have to do it yourself, undo and lift up the top panels leaving the bottom panel in the vertical section.. The top panels will sit nicely on the horizontal rails.
THe bottom panel should be sitting about halfway if not closer to the top. First thing u do is lock off the spring, i used a couple of 3/8 socket handles.. Once the spring is safe place a stand or board under the bottom panel to stop it dropping to the ground when u undo the spring..
Also get half a dozen pieces of angle iron or something similar, you need these to squeeze int he spring to use as spacers, the spring needs to be spread out as when it is wound up with the garage door down it may push the centre bracket out of whack..
Undo the spring, making sure your one of your handles is gunna stop the spring un winding. also check the chock thats holding up the panel. WInd up the spring one or two complete turns, refit everything double check all the 10mm lock nuts are up tight... then test..
refit and test.. Be very very careful of garage door springs, they can send you to the hospital or worse... Best to watch someone else do the job if you aint comfortable doing the job.. Best to pay someone than to be off work due to broken arm or skull..