There is so much about it that we don't know and most of us white fellas would not survive that life as we have not had the skills handed down like you have and still are. For you it is everyday life like my job and animals etc are to me but what I do so many other people do so it would not be an interesting book but not so many do what you do.
When you think about it though, there is not all that much involved. Tracking, hunting, reading animal sign, knowing various bush tucker and locating water, they are all pretty basic things. Most of our kids can do these things before they go to school, as they come out with us nearly every weekend, they watch and learn.
Admittedly when we travel we do so very light, as we know the tracks where we are going, where the water is, and always get a few lizards, snakes, maybe a roo and if lucky a bush turkey along the way, it really is not as hard as people think.