Not today, but this week.
Heads, as in, the entire top end off a V6 Avalon.
Then, drop the rods and jam tins out.
With 248,000 klm on it, the bores look mint.
Loads of sludge in the ol girl however, which is why the rings gave up the ghost.
All 4 oil splash holes in the pistons, were gunked up.
Lots of cold starts and a lack of oil changes will cause that every time.
Cleaning it up is a right royal pain the arse, especially with the heat this week.
Heads are off on Monday for some attention at the machine shop.
I'll drop the jam tins back in on Tuesday.
Its got new rings, bearings, gaskets, cam belt and some other nick nacks going back in over the coming few days.
(All work subject to "down tools" at 38 degrees.)