Happy Days Brindicruiser!
Keep a watch on that ball weight, is that is as it left the factory with nothing in the front boot, an empty gas bottle and nothing in the jerry can holder on the drawbar. you could easily without trying add 50kg there.
A full watertank in the back may help though, but not that much.
E.G, mine (as per below pic) has a stamped ball weight of 129kg. BUT, Add poles in pvc carrier~10kg, full gas bottle~9kg, 20l jerry can~20kg, stoneguard~5kg, stuff in front boot (camp kitchen, 4kg gas, ropes, pegs, leads, hose etc~25kg and suddenly I can max out up near 200kg and that's not counting things inside that are in front of the axle (fridge full of food + other cupboards in my case being a hawk).
With my tow vehicle, I am well within ball weight limits, and don't have a full jerry very often + have some heavier items near the back of the camper, but just doing that simple exercise above makes me more aware of how it adds up.
One day I might load it up and run it over a weigh bridge....