Now we've got the camper I'm a bit worried about it's storage, we have plenty of shed space, with no obvious feed supplies in them, but mice, bugs and the occasional snake or cat have been known to sneak their way into the various machinery and vehicles stored in the sheds.
So looking for a way to keep them out, it has been put out that we get another shipping container and shift all the camping/fishing gear into it, thus making it all safe from most problems and freeing up some mice proof storage space. But that option is obviously quite expensive.
I've read through a couple of old threads in here and thought about practising some necromancy on them, but the post reply thingy gave me a big red message and scared me off
The recommendation back then was for Camphor blocks, and Ant sand around the camper. Still a good option or have we found something better in the 2 years since those threads have been active?
Both my mother and I have asthma so some of the stronger smelling options might work on both the mice and us.