I will count you out of any further discussion Campfire. I only post what are the true facts and the true facts concern all road users including Camper van owners. There have been many untruths involved with the Bulahdelah Upgrade, and I will continue to correct them. I can back up everything I am posting about this unsafe and deadly piece of highway construction with Photographs, Video Footage and RMS/Baulderstone and PB Reports, I never say or assume anything without the evidence to back my statements or comments up. The Option E route for Bulahdelah is going to be, if completed, the most deadly and dangerous for all road users including camper van owners. Every road user is entitled to know the full true facts. The Alum Mountain has never been monitored at the top while blasting has been carried out, there has been landslides and boulder falls. Blasting has caused property damage to houses in Bulahdelah. (Campfire raised the subject of blasting in a previous post). Toxic crystalline silica is being spread all over the community through the crushing of massive amounts of Alum stone that is being blasted or dug from the ground, this is a major health risk. Land being used is also a registered Public Reserve, that is criminal and illegal to start with. A small section of the newly formed batter has had a landslip which poses a major threat for motorists using this section. Private property owners dams have been contaminated and livestock have died through drinking water from these dams. All in all this highway upgrade section has caused major problems, and ongoing, for a lot of people, and do RMS or the contractors or the Authorities listen "NO!". I will continue to expose what is happening in Bulahdelah. In the past letters from various people have reported some of the misdeeds to ICAC. Phone calls to the EPA are almost daily from local residents. Over twenty years ago now I saw a map for the Pacific Highway Upgrade when it was called Pacific Motorway or Motorway Pacific, it showed the highway going to the West of Bulahdelah, not East. Strange how all copies of this map seem to have vanished from departments that had them. Once again just reported the TRUE FACTS.