On 23rd March, 2011, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I was devastated. I'd had a couple of talks from various doctors over time, and given enough warnings about being borderline, but I ignored the advice and reaped the rewards of my negligence.
My doctor put me on 2 tablets a day and implemented a 'Care Plan' involving a dietician, podiatriast, opthomologist, and the Surgery's Registered nurse. I also had access to a diabetes educator.
As well as this, my wife purchased a book titled 'the CSIRO and BAKER IDI Diabetes 'Diet and Lifestyle Plan,' and cooked nearly every meal out of this book for about 4 months. There was only 1 meal that I didn't like (not the wife's cooking techniques, either). I acknowledge her for all the time and effort she put in. She was the main reason for my success.
I was very strict on what I put in my mouth. I was allowed 2 standard drinks a day, but chose not to drink at all, because I wouldn't/couldn't stop at 2, so I made a conscious decision 12 months ago not to drink at all - and I've stuck to it. The extra cash has paid for a mod or two on my Patrol. lol
I forget the timeline, but I've gone from about 115kg to around 95kg. Drinking water is also a big plus, undoubtedly.
I'm 53 this year and have heaps of energy and do at least half an hour a day exercise. I try and ride my bike 30k's a day, two or three times a week, depending on my shifts.
I went from 2 tablets a day to no tablets in 76 days. So, technically I'm 'in remission' from a chronic disease, which is now controlled by diet and exercise. I still regularly check my own BSL and have my own BP monitor too. I'm down to one BP tablet a day and working on reducing the strength of that, too.
To quote the book I've mentioned.....'Each day in Australia, 275 people develop type 2 diabetes.' I was staggered. That got me off my butt and into gear.
My first port of call was my doctor. I followed instructions and did what I was told. Although I control my diabetes through exercise and diet, I still see the dietician every 2-3 months, to make sure I'm 'on track.' She keeps me honest. lol
I hope I've helped at least one person by giving my testimony.
I'm on a Nissan Patrol forum and we have a weekly weigh in every Monday morning. The easiest way to do it is to put your weight in, and the next week, add the previous weight as a quote and put in your current weight. That way you can see where you're at. Just like this.....well mostly just like this ( it occasionally gets hyjacked. lol)
http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?4050-Canteen-Cure-Cancer-for-Kids-Fundraiser-WEIGH-IN&highlight=weighWe also have a weight chat thread, where we talk about 'things'
Take care out there.