Don't start any silly roomers that will get out of hand . Though l have a Govt Grant to do research into the possibility of using Drop bears for National Security . Cant really say to much as its very HushHush
BUT ,,,,,, I am establishing the DBBP ( Drop Bear Breeding Program at a secret location here in Vic . Though we have some funding any donations would be gratefully accepted or
At The DBBP Institute we are looking to build the numbers so pairs can be released in to the bush around the coast as a deterrent . The only way to detect such an animal would be to see large deprecations under established trees , from repeated attacks .Newcomers will always look at the trees & not at the ground missing the teltail dip then WAMO. As a safety feature we at DBBPI are punching a hole in 1 ear to create a whistling sound as they plummet to the ground so you can step aside quickly . For more info on the subject fax me some
& we can discuss the as long as the beers last