Hi all,
Every so often.......okay okay okay .....several times a week....... I look at new and second hand camper trailers in a kind of 'window shopping' 'dream-on', 'would be if I could be' kind of way. I imagine I'm not alone there right?
While I'm well aware that some serious folk match their camper wheels to their tow vehicle and also the track width, I'm wondering how many simply don't bother. Or once bothered and then went "what the heck"!
I recall someone I know who went through that exercise and within a few years got himself another vehicle and nothing matched anymore anyways.
I guess I'm asking two things:
1. Would you be put off buying a good second hand camper trailer because the track width and the wheels, stud pattern, didn't match your tug?
2. When buying new would you pay the extra to have the axel, studs & wheels match your tug?
Just curious which of the 4 catagories people fall into:-
A) Who has done it & thought it was the mutts nuts.
B) Who did it and thought 'what a waste of time & money that was'.
C) Who hasn't done it but wished they had.
D) Who hasn't done it and it's never been an issue.
Personally I'm a 'D'. Which is better than the 'F' I usually scored on my at school report card.
My CT was what I was after at the price I could afford and I've never found myself stuck wishing all the wheels were all exchangeable.
Care to comment?
If not just register an A, B, C or D.
Cheers - Wayne