Please move if this is in the wrong place Admin/Moderator. Thought of putting it in the FTP area, but it seems to be dead
We have an '04 Supamatic Regal, and bought it 3rd hand, and was never quite sure of the exact setup procedure.
So during a visit to CUB HQ, I asked if they had a copy of the DVD that showed how to erect it properly. I was told the only DVD's they now have are just promotional, and only for the later models.
Lovely salesperson went to grab me one, but found an older one as well, and gave me the copy
Watching it when I got home, I found I'd been setting the CUB up wrong, and now I manage to pack it all away a
lot easier. I also found there's a bonus of how to re-set the tent
So if anyone wants a copy, I've uploaded it to
YouTubeIf you want to save a copy for later viewing, go to
KeepVid, copy the Youtube link into the box, hit 'Download'.
You'll then be prompted for the file type you want to save it as