glad this topic was raised - i'm also looking for a storage solution!
What materials have you guys used for the 'skids' ? and how do you stop it scratching the paintwork to the sinide of the trailer base ? Is it rubber? or more of a hard plastic ?
(and i don't intend on using drawer slides so don;'t suggest them please!)
We used strips of laminex - one on the base of the ct & the other on the large slide out drawer...worked well.
As for storage, flat things [tables etc] were stored on the bed base.
The best suggestion is to try different things, then once you have it sorted, draw a plan of what goes where. I remember 2 couples living out of a Trackabout for 8 weeks, they had the plan laminated & stuck to the bed base so when they lifted it up they had it all there to refer to even to the point of sticking numbers to each box!
p.s., now that we have more room, we have more stuff to take, apparently it's a SWMBO thing.