Awesome work from you all..keep it up. At the age of 28 (many yrs back now) I realised whilst smoking just over a pack a day that I had been smoking half my life.Given up each time I was pregnant and started again within a month of having the kids, social smoked, gave up started again a hundred times. My son came home from school at 6, looked me dead in the eye and said "you are going to die from that". A little later that day I was heading to the shops for a pkt of smokes when I detoured straight to the chemist for patches and straight home, didn't go to the supermaket incase I was tempted! Used the patches for 3 days, felt as crook as a dog and had the horrid nightmares. Cut back to 1/2 patch for 3 mores days then went the old cold turkey. Rough going some days, was told by many just to have a bloody smoke & stop being such a bitch, all the triggers and temptations took a huge effort to get past, but if you just focus on one at a time, get through it and move on, slowly the days then weeks pass and soon enough 8 yrs on with a heap of health benefits and $$$$$ for more important things and there is no way in hell I'd go back to it...(ask me back then & I'd never thought I would say that). So stick with it one & all, reward yourselves every damn step of the way because you deserve it. Don't give up giving up.
Mrs Smithy2