In early 2011 we were in the planning of a 4-5 week trip that would take us from here on the east coast of northern NSW to Broken hill into the Flinders, Adelaide, Great Ocean Rd, Dubbo Zoo then home through Manilla(Where I went to school as a young Tacker), then Home, Some 6600km's.
BullFrog, being a member of MySwag suggested we join, as there is a wealth of knowledge to lean from when traveling, So we did.
I needed to know what the road was like from Yunta(west) towards Waukaringa and final to Hawker.
Within about half an hour a Swagger had posted the road conditions and how to not get lost on some of the tracks.
So we were hooked.
We found out the group was having a National Meet at Wilmington(SA), so we planned to be there.
Meet some some awesome people, some of which we still communicate with through Fb.
Had a great time, Said to Bigjules and Snow, we could do this in the Clarence Valley.
The advice I was given,
Build it and they will come.
2013, along with a few other Swaggers Mark GU, Bullfrog, Al & Jan, Hemi, (If I have forgotten you, Sorry) and their wives/partners we hosted the 2013 National meet at the Nymboida Canoe Centre.
Along with local and national businesses and Swaggers that attended $5500 was raised that was split 50/50 between the Wespac Rescue Helicopter & The Royal Flying Doctors
Awesome effort guys & girls.
So proud to be a member of this great bunch of travelers.
Jeepers and the crew did an awesome job hosting the 2015 National Meet
Just as the guys & girls down south will next year at Mansfield.
Hey, Be Proud, get ya hands on some merchandise and show it.
Flags, Stubbie holders, beanies, shirts and stickers(who doesn't love a good sticker), there is more gear, swing on by here, Swaggers once again have showed their support through a raffle and have put their hands into their pockets to keep the server and forum running AD Free.