Well, from the internet, I went to google, saw this thing and clicked on it, then went to the page with the woman's photos on it, got a shocking eyeful so clicked another tab on the browser I had open before and got lost.
When all else fails I go to google again, so I typed in some words and saw a nice
green picture ad, cause green is a fav colour. So clicked on that and found a
buyer's checklist for campers that looked good, then realised i still had the screen open with the hot women on it so I went looking for her friends,
turns out they all looked nice without their clothes.
I Was in the middle of something big when the wife walked in and asked me what I was doing, so I went quickly over to the green picture and she said "that's interesting", so to please her I checked out the google screen again and thank goodness this site came up with camper trailers etc on it, but this time it was different. With the wife looking over the shoulder I said "it would be good to find others who might be into a bit of this (camping trailers that is) so she said "click on that ad there". So I did but it was nothing really good so I clicked the back button and found more stuff on the google list I didnt see before,... thanks to the wife. I clicked on the link to
a forum i noticed and found myself really interested in the discussions people were having online. My wife thought it would be a good idea to register, and I thought it was safer than looking at the gorgeous women having fun, so I did. And thats how I found this site.
No longer a worthless thread, bought a Jayco at the right price here's the action shot.
I found THIS SITE had some helpful stuff also