Long before there were university degrees in Chiropractic, early nineteen hundreds, there was a Swedish Chiropractor in NQ named Kjelberg. He was reported to do magic with people. My family went to people he had trained, hot damp wool blankets to warm up the area, massage then manipulation often with an assistant, no mechanical aids, dropping tables, ultrasound etc. I pulled three discs at the tender age of 21 cutting and loading fence posts into the ute. One of his people got me mobile and I managed with the aid of lots of asprin to work at a holiday job stacking timber to pay for next year's uni. Soon as I see a chiro with an X-ray machine, treatment plans, cures for coughs colds and sore... I'm out the door. As an old bloke now I would want to make sure that there were no degenerative problems before going to a chiropractor.
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