Hi there,
Joined up a few weeks ago now so i can get ideas for a camper trailer to tow behind a small car (suzuki sierra) since every trailer ive looked at is way over the tow limit of most small sierras i liked for the right price since then at max i can tow a drifta dot 4 even then it may be a bit odd since the weight of water is a main issue for me at a extra 80kg and getting a bigger car is not needed since its mostly me on trips with the fishing gear hence the reason for a camper trailer so i can fish and not lose a decent spot or have the fish go off bite while i go get some bait if im unlucky to get squid on jigs before hand (one of the most fun things to do with a unsuspecting person who turns the squid toward them and gets shot with fresh ink after getting the warning and no pics because it was to funny to get one). anyways enough rambling on about my need for a camper for now.